With appropriate financing, we will help you to grow your business and ensure that we provide you with the necessary financial support required for your business to operate properly.

  • From 10% per annum to 13.5% per annum.
  • Interest calculation will be based on daily basis. The interest rate is variable rate pegged to a base rate i.e., the Central Bank’s Policy Rate.
  • Subject to maximum rate that can be charged according to the Central Bank.
  • Short term (up to 1 year)
  • Medium term (up to 3 year)
  • Long Term (up to 5 years)
  • Monthly Amortization (EMI)
  • Monthly interest and Principal yearly
  • One-time of application fee 1% on loan amount. (Application fees may be deducted from the loan amount).
  • Minimum business operation of 3 years
  • A valid business license to operate and local businesses registered with DICA.
  • Minimum 3 years of successful operation and a solid track record.
  • Must meet other criteria specified by FDB Bank.
  • Land and Building
  • Cash collateral (Deposit)
  • Bond
  • Gold bars

  • NRC (Original/Copy)
  • House Hold Registration (Original/Copy)
  • Residence Recommendation from ward office
  • Applicant’s license one photo

  • Business license
  • DICA certificate of incorporation and company extract, company constitution
    Resolution, import/export license.

  • Financial records (at least 3 years)
  • Income tax invoices (for the last fiscal 3 years)