We believe in supporting MSMEs to raise working capital, expand their business and increase their productivity. We are open to support the different MSME sectors that engage in the service sector or the manufacturing, processing, production and preservation of goods. This includes agriculture, manufacturing, livestock and fresh fruits companies, etc.

  • From 10% per annum to 13.5% per annum.
  • Interest calculation will be based on daily basis. The interest rate is variable rate pegged to a base rate i.e., the Central Bank’s Policy Rate.
  • Subject to maximum rate that can be charged according to the Central Bank.
  • Short term (up to 1 year)
  • Medium term (up to 3 year)
  • Long Term (up to 5 years)
  • Monthly Amortization (EMI)
  • Monthly interest and Principal yearly
  • One-time of application fee 1% upfront on loan amount. (Application fees may be deducted from the loan amount.)
  • Minimum business operation of 1 year with YCDC license or DICA registered local company Or must have proper business license.
  • Good business performance and financial record.
  • Must meet other criteria specified by FDB Bank.
  • Land and Building
  • Cash collateral (Deposit)
  • Bond
  • Gold bars

  • NRC (Original/Copy)
  • House Hold Registration (Original/Copy)
  • Residence Recommendation from ward office
  • Applicant’s license one photo

  • Business license/ YCDC license
  • If company: DICA certificate of incorporation and company extract, company constitution Resolution, import/export license.
  • If SMEs member: SMEs member card

  • Financial records (at least 2 years)
  • Income tax invoices (for the last fiscal 2 years)

Loan Amortization Calculator

Monthly Repayment Details

MonthMonthly Repayment AmountPrincipal AmoutInterest AmountOutstanding Balance